Fruits & Veggies

Get Quality Fruits & Veggies with Our Hydroponics Growing Method

Our top growing method is hydroponics, which is a sustainable and efficient way of growing fruits and veggies. We are doing our part in conserving water resources here in the Arizona desert, while producing quality Romaine and Butter Crunch lettuces, as well as sweet peppers of various varieties. With hydroponics, we can control the nutrition and water supply, making sure each fruit or veggie is the highest quality

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Key Features

Locally sourced

Locally sourced

We partner with local growers to provide topquality fruits and vegetables in Arizona.

Eco-friendly Growing Practices

Eco-friendly Growing Practices

Our hydroponics system is highly efficient and water-conserving, helping conserve water resources in the desert of Arizona.

Natural Pest Control

Natural Pest Control

We use only all-natural pest control solutions made from essential oils and natural soap, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide.


Nutritious Produce

Nutritious Produce

Not only do we provide delicious produce with superior taste, but our fruits and vegetables are also packed full of essential vitamins and minerals for a nutritious meal option.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

We take pride in our growing methods to ensure that all fruits and vegetables we provide meet the highest standards of freshness and quality.

Variety of Options

Variety of Options

From Romaine lettuces to sweet peppers, we provide a wide selection of produce that can cater to any diet or preference

Healthy Food

Technica Farms is a local farm that is doing things right. We love their commitment to growing healthy food using sustainable methods. Their hydroponic set-up is amazing and we appreciate that they are doing their part in conserving water resources. The produce is always fresh and delicious. We highly recommend partnering with Technica Farms!
Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality fruits and veggies! We are passionate about growing the best-tasting produce with sustainable methods like hydroponics, while also taking care of the environment. Our natural pesticide ensures that our products are safe for all consumers, including ourselves and our animals. We look forward to partnering with local businesses that share our values and love for quality produce.